Finishing it
If all is well you now have your Alcatel Speedtouch online together with your gentoo server which now supplies the whole network with internet access!
Now all we need to do is make it all a bit more persistent as a reboot will wipe all that magic…
Now I suppose I could use all those fancy scripts that are present but quite frankly I don’t care – its 3 AM here by now and I simply want this working and finished and I suppose you do as well.
The most simple solution is to slam it all in the local bootup scripts:
File: /etc/conf.d/local.start
# Fire up the ADSL connection
pppd call adsl
# Start the masquerading
Now all we need is the DHCP server to come back alive after a reboot:
rc-update add dhcp default
There we go, the whole how-to to get your Alcatel Speedtouch back in action.