Japan Blog Study Tour

Final Flight Check

Currently we found decent (albeit expensive) internet access in the Executive Tower of the hotel. After a failed experiment at the local Yahoo Internet Cafe we decided to upgrade our internet access to be able to actually use our own laptop instead of some crappy old machine that should belong in a museum rather than a internet cafe.

Japan Blog Study Tour


Three weeks have passed and today (Saturday) was the last day that was semi-part of the study tour. After spending 2 hours of getting all my clothes folded up and packed again for transport I went to bed at 4 and got up at half past 7 (who needs sleep anyway in Japan?). I grabbed my suitcase, jumped into my clothes and headed for the elevator while some of my roommates wished me good luck (all three of them were headed back to Holland that day). I grabbed some coffee and white bread with strawberry jam for the last time (after one and half week eating strawberry jam its getting annoying) and after 25 minutes after my alarm went off I strolled into Tokyo.