Linux / Gentoo Linux

Debugging nVidia EDID resolutions

After installing an nVidia card into my HTPC I ran into a problem I never had before: the driver will not allow me to use the full 1280×720 resolution of my TV. After running xrandr on the console, I can confirm that Xorg reports the following supported resolutions:

Screen 0: minimum 320 x 240, current 720 x 480, maximum 1920 x 1080
default connected 720x480+0+0 0mm x 0mm
720x480        50.0*    51.0
680x384        52.0     53.0
640x480        54.0     55.0
512x384        56.0
400x300        57.0     58.0
320x240        59.0
480i/60        30.0
480p/60        60.0
720p/60        60.0
1080i/60       30.0
1080p/60       60.0

Now if you read the above closely, you can see that the display should have modes up to 1920×1080 (interlaced in my case but still). This proves that in fact the EDID information (which should allow your graphics card to auto-detect monitor properties) is coming through but that it is not working properly. Read on to solve this problem.